Make a projector
Make a projector

Do not look at the Sun through the pinhole, binoculars or telescope.Always keep your back towards the Sun while looking at a pinhole projection.Sunglasses cannot protect your eyes from the damage the Sun's rays can do to them. Never look at the Sun directly without protective eye gear.To make the image of the Sun larger, hold the screen paper further away from the paper with the pinhole.Ī box projector works on the same principles, it requires a little more time and a few extra items to construct, but it is more sturdy.Hold it at a distance, and you will see an inverted image of the Sun projected on the paper screen through the pinhole. The 2nd sheet of paper will act as a screen.With your back towards the Sun, hold 1 piece of paper above your shoulder allowing the Sun to shine on the paper.Make sure that the hole is round and smooth. To make a quick version of the pinhole projector, take a sheet of paper and make a tiny hole in the middle of it using a pin or a thumbtack.Business Date to Date (exclude holidays).In my project, I only used black because the design is supposed to be the silhouette of a ninja, but the possibilities are endless. Once you have penciled your outlines on the wall, you are ready to start painting. You can now trace the outline of your design onto the wall using a pencil. Finish by pulling the material at the end while stapling. Then move to the opposite side and staple there.

make a projector

Staple the material in place by wrapping it around the wood and stapling once on a lengthwise side.

make a projector

It will be smaller or bigger, depending on the distance of the box to the wall. Place the screen frame on the screen material with the brackets facing upward. When you turn on the light in the box, the image on the plastic will be projected onto the wall. Place the light at the opposite end of the box from where the plastic is. When you use an actual shoebox, you don’t have to do this step obviously because you can open up the lid and slip the source of light in like that. Cut a small opening in the opposite end of the box, just big enough to slide through your source of light (flashlight or mobile phone).Tape the piece of plastic with your design on it, in front of the hole.Put the plastic on top of the design and trace the design onto the piece of plastic using a Sharpie or Edding (or something similar). The design should not be bigger than your piece of plastic. Cut out a piece of plastic just big enough to fit in front of the hole.Cut a large square hole in one of the long ends of the box.The kind of paint you will need depends on the surface you want to paint your design on. Pencil for outlining your design on the wall.I used the flashlight app on my mobile phone, but an actual flashlight is also good. If you are a drawing genius, you can draw your design on paper and then trace it onto the plastic or draw it onto the plastic directly. A printer for printing out your design.

make a projector

A sharpy, edding, or something similar, for drawing your design on the sheet of plastic.I used the plastic of an old cheap photo frame, but some packaging material will also work. A cardboard box, approximately the size of a shoebox or a bit bigger.Too excited to wait, I did some googling instead, and I found out that making a DIY projector is the easiest thing in the world! I already had all I needed laying around to get started on my wall painting that same afternoon. I planned to make a wall painting using a beamer, but since we don’t have a beamer, I would have to hold my project until I could borrow one. I was especially looking forward to getting started in the children’s room. When we moved to a new apartment, I was excited to get started decorating the rooms. It is the perfect tool for creating a mural.

#Make a projector how to#

In this blog post, I will show you how to make a very simple DIY Projector.

Make a projector